
Icici Bank Limited is present in 35 states across the country

Find IFSC Code and Bank Branches of Icici Bank Limited

# State Branches in State
1 Andaman And Nicobar Island 3
2 Andhra Pradesh 349
3 Arunachal Pradesh 6
4 Assam 75
5 Bihar 116
6 Chandigarh 69
7 Chhattisgarh 34
8 Dadra And Nagar Haveli 4
9 Daman And Diu 3
10 Delhi 214
11 Goa 34
12 Gujarat 434
13 Haryana 237
14 Himachal Pradesh 37
15 Jammu And Kashmir 48
16 Jharkhand 69
17 Karnataka 360
18 Kerala 188
19 Madhya Pradesh 273
20 Maharashtra 909
21 Manipur 9
22 Meghalaya 13
23 Mizoram 4
24 Nagaland 7
25 Odisha 159
26 Puducherry 7
27 Punjab 279
28 Rajasthan 534
29 Sikkim 6
30 Tamil Nadu 535
31 Telangana 94
32 Tripura 9
33 Uttar Pradesh 381
34 Uttarakhand 41
35 West Bengal 259

What is IFSC code?

IFSC is an acronym for Indian Financial System Code. It is a 11 characters alphanumeric code which is unique for every bank's branch. The last 6 characters of an IFSC code represents a specific branch of a bank.

Why we need IFSC code?

For online funds transfers via National Electronic Fund Transfer (NEFT), Real Time Gross Settlement (RTGS) and Immediate Payment System (IMPS), we need IFSC code of the beneficiary account.

What is NEFT?

NEFT is an acronym for National Electronic Funds Transfer. It is the most commonly used method for online funds transfer. The transfer doesn’t happen in real-time, rather in slots. There are 11 slots from 8 am to 7 pm on weekdays (Monday through Friday) and 6 slots from 8 am to 1 pm on Saturdays (except 2nd and 4th Saturday).

NEFT Charges

  • - Transactions up to ₹ 10,000 – not exceeding ₹ 2.50 + service tax
  • - Transactions above ₹ 10,000 and up to ₹ 1 lakh – not exceeding ₹ 5 + service tax
  • - Transactions above ₹ 1 lakh and up to ₹ 2 lakhs – not exceeding ₹ 15 + service tax
  • - Transactions above ₹ 2 lakhs – not exceeding ₹ 25 + service tax

Note: There is no minimum or maximum transfer limit.

What is RTGS?

RTGS is an acronym for Real Time Gross Settlement. Real Time means that the settlement of fund happens in real-time, individually on an instruction by instruction basis, without any delay. RTGS transfer has a minimum limit of rupees 2 lakhs (200,000). As per Reserve Bank of India, there is no maximum limit defined on an RTGS transfer, though the banks might put their own limits. An RTGS can be done between 9 am to 4.30 pm from Monday to Friday and 9 am to 2 pm on Saturday.

RTGS Charges

  • - RTGS charges ranges between ₹ 25 to ₹ 52 per transaction
What is IMPS?

IMPS is an acronym for Immediate Payment Service. It is the latest electronic fund transfer facility which enables an instant interbank electronic fund transfer service through mobile phones. It is also being extended through other channels such as ATM, Internet Banking, etc. Through IMPS, the money is transferred instantly to the beneficiary’s account, in no time. Through IMPS we can transfer the money 24x7 throughout the year, all 365 days, even on bank holidays.

IMPS Charges

  • - Transactions up to ₹ 1 lakh – not exceeding ₹ 5 + service tax
  • - Transactions above ₹ 1 lakh and up to ₹ 2 lakhs – not exceeding ₹ 15 + service tax

Note: The minimum amount is ₹ 1 and maximum amount is ₹ 2 lakhs, which can be transferred via IMPS.